
Name   : Ali Fahmi H NIM     : A1D2 13 002 Class    : B Analysis The Necklace Story SHORT STORY ELEMENTS A. CHARACTERS There are three main characters in this short story: 1.   Mathilde Loisel, the wife. 2.   The little clerk of the Ministry of Public Instruction, the husband 3.   Madame Forestier, the friend who lent Mathilde a diamond necklace B. CHARACTERIZATION 1. Madame Loisel ·          She is unhappy with her life ·          She’s Poor & utterly wants to be rich ·          The woman is pretty and charming and warries below her ·          Dymnamic-She changes throughout the story; at first she is very selfish and towards the end she works hard and accepts her life ·          Round- She showed a variety of feelingzs and emotions. At times she was upset, and at other times she was happy.throughout the story she also showed signs of jealousy. To make it clear, Beautiful Mathilde Loisel was born into a family of clerks, and her utter con